除了坐擁優美水景、清澈水體的扁蜉蝣 ,生活在污染水域裡技值滿點的水生生物也是不勝其數,我們提供一份簡單的水質生物指標圖鑑,平時若一個不小心將視線轉移至周遭水體 ( 例如:Airpods掉進水溝裡時 ) ,還可以順便發現新大陸。
All types of creatures know it.
After starting the water quality test journey, we discovered that the quality of water can be also measured with “insects.”
In addition to the Afronurus floreus (the larva of mayfly) that lives in clean water, there are also countless aquatic animals living in polluted water. Here we provided a Biotic Index as an indicator for water quality. So if one accidentally take a glance at the surroundings water (for example, when one’s Airpods fall into a ditch), he or she could discover a new world.
Before: "Hey, that thing in the water looks strange."
After: “Oh, that's bloodworms! Usually they live in heavily polluted waters. It seems that the water here is not for living people!”
Let us scroll down and find out more!