The New Memorial of Wastewater
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荷蘭水委會一直在探索污水廠的未來可能性,不只是污泥,更是整個過程中任何能翻轉價值的所有可能,並邀請不同單位進行跨界合作。其中Nienke Hoogvliet設計師將污水處理過程中產生的藻酸鹽藻酸鹽(Alginate)、厭氧氨氧化菌和藍鐵礦(vivianite)轉化為印染日本和服的天然染料,讓這些廢棄副產物在這個代代相傳的珍貴物件上展開二次生命,藻酸鹽的特性也使紡織品更好地吸收染料,減少紡織印染產生的水耗。
In daily life, the sewage generated from washing, cooking, and toileting, will be discharged to the sewage treatment plant through the sewage pipe. After the treating process, including filtration, sedimentation, aeration, disinfection, etc., it becomes reclaimed water that can be used twice or is put back to the river.

In such a sewage treatment process, the wastewater gets a second life, but there are other wastes produced during the process, such as the sludge left behind. Most of the sludge is currently disposed to landfills in Taiwan, part of it is incinerated, and part of it is dried and reused, for example, as a raw material for making bricks.

In fact, lots of countries have discussed the recycling of sludge. While the Netherlands discuss the issue of sewage recycling in different ways, trying to understand and improve the water purification process. The Dutch Water Authorities has been exploring the future possibilities of sewage treatment plants, inviting people for cross-border cooperation.

In one of the project, the designer, Nienke Hoogvliet, discovered that Kaumera, a new material from wastewater, could make textile absorb dyes better, so less water is needed and less is polluted during the dyeing process. She designed a kimono and coloured with two natural dyes extracted from wastewater.

The waste now has second life on the Japanese kimono, that is a precious clothes that people pass by generation.
Nienke Hoogvliet的另一個作品是用一種名為PHA(Poly Hydroxy Alkanate)的生物塑料製成骨灰塔。這種材料是荷蘭水務局與能源與生物材料創新工場合作研發的,提取污水中細菌內的脂肪製成,這種材料擁有與普通塑料相似的質地,但卻十分容易在土壤中進行降解。

In another project, Nienke Hoogvliet used a bioplastic called PHA (Poly Hydroxy Alkanate) to make the urns, MOURN. PHA was developed by the Dutch Water Authority (united in the ‘Energy and Raw Materials Factory’). It is made by the fat that was extracted from bacteria in sewage. This material has a texture similar to ordinary plastic, but it is degraded easily in the soil.

By mixing the ashes and PHA into an exquisite urn, the release of nutrients and toxins in the ashes can be regulated. The designer also distinguished different types of soil, in order to meet dindividual needs and make sure the soil can process the substances at its own pace.

This work avoided the pollution caused by the buried ashes, and created a sustainable way for lasting the love for their passed ones.