紐約建築公司The Living曾試著讓水質監測變得更容易參與。2007年建築師Soo-in Yang 和 David Benjamin設計River Glow,一個漂浮在水中央的照明燈具(遠看就像一般的LED水底燈),有趣的是它不但能夠美化、照亮河川外,還能「感受水質的變化」,如果水質是健康的,你就能在河中看到一盞又一盞的綠燈,但當它們感測到水質酸鹼度不對勁時,就會轉變成有警示意味的紅燈,讓人們在行進過程中親眼看到水質的變化/介入成為監測者,並決定何時可以安全的游泳、釣魚或進行其他水上活動。
過往水質酸鹼度曾是可靠的指標,及至現代,我們知道水體的酸鹼度只是一個初步了解水質狀態的方式,所以或許River Glow已經無法精準地作為現代環境監測器,但像這樣貼近生活又有趣的社會設計,富有提升環境意識的內涵,這也是我們期待整個計畫能夠帶給大家的。
How could we engage more people to care about the water quality in daily life?
In 2007, an architects, Soo-in Yang, and designer, David Benjamin designed River Glow, a floating illuminated sculptural device. It can not only beautify and illuminate the river, but also sense the changes of water quality. If the water quality is good, you can see green lights. But when the pH value of the water is not right, it will switch to red for warning. The lighting shows the changes in water quality and for people to decide when they can swim, fish or engage in other water activities safely.
A design like this needs further discussion on the accuracy and the environmental impact. But without doubt that it successfully arises environmental awareness, and this is also what we expect to bring to everyone in our future plans.